NOT ONLY DECORATION is not just a magazine, it is not just blah blah, it is a tool to share and investigate critical art jewellery with an aim to create change and reflect the ways we as makers evolve creatively and critically. Created by NOD, our publication not only documents and archives the works of our members, it is also a platform for discussing topics relevant to makers and artists who look with a critical eye upon what we do, and also how we do it. Since we are a not for profit organisation, each magazine sold helps directly where it is needed, so we can continue to provide a platform for artists, and create exhibitions and promotions to support our members.


This latest issue of NOT ONLY DECORATION is dedicated to all kinds of APOCALYPSES: the one that is here, the one that is coming, and even the one we create for ourselves in our own imaginations. In a world where the APOCALYPSE is constantly looming, it's important to remember that we can still create beauty and meaning. We wanted to hear from artists all over the world how their vision of the end of days might be reflected in their work.
And while we're not totally sure what form it will take, we do know that it's not going to be easy on us—and our planet. This issue of NOD is exploring some ways our world could end—and a lot of reasons why it shouldn't.


This first issue came into being through the perceived need of NOD founders Stephie Morawetz and Laura Jack; makers/designers/artists who believe that art is supposed to reflect the world it is a part of, and critique it, to express opinions and enlighten. We have put together an exhibition showcasing 54 NOD members, to encourage discussion, to encourage lateral thinking when it comes to jewelry (and more importantly the world). But mostly, to feed the hive mind with a display of moral compass and willingness to do better.